Penelope to Licorice to Dog, namings gone wrong.
Our cat is now named Dog. This is totally of my doing and I accept full responsibility for my actions. It's a black cat with a penchant for attacking feet. But for the most part, those feet belong to the Bean or the Girlfriend. He seems to love me, dearly, and my limbs and hands are usually left alone.
The Bean has observed the method of obediance training we've decided to use when the cat is bad. We have a spray bottle with a bright pink top that the cat gets a squirt from whenever it decides to break a rule. Well, lately those rules include scratching or attacking the Bean feat. She runs off, finds the bottle and chases the cat around saying, "Bad cat! Bad!" Sometimes she remembers the name and I get to be amused by the scene of a little girl running around, with a squirt bottle, yelling in her sweet little voice, "Bad Dog! No scratching me!" All the while attempting to douse the animal with water. She misses a lot though and usually the carpets just drenched.
But yes, the cat is down named Dog. He acts like a dog if you exclude the feet attacking episdoes. Normally he'll come up for attention and plop down, stretching his long (long) paws, and passing out. On me. We had originally named him Penelope, but then we found out he was a he. So that quickly changed to Licorice. No one ever used it and quickly "hey cat" was becoming its name. I decided that it was a dog/cat and changed its name.
I had the Bean since Thursday and tonight she went home with her Mother. After calling the Mother and letting her know about some school function for Friday that she won't be attending for whatever reason, I got the wonderful news that she plans on moving in the summer and believes I'll get to see the Bean on weekends. Of course that started a conversation that reminded her this wasn't a social club and that parenting wasn't just about making sure they got breakfast, or shoes, or underwear, or had their hair dried... sometimes you even had to live where you don't want to and take that 'not so perfect' job... but hey, I'm rambling. I suggested a compromise and we'll see how that works out.
Stay tuned for the next in the Bean Saga.
Wedding of love, a red dress and a healthy dose of country.